Frosted or Clear Glass Boards

The clearest glass board on the market
Clear and Frosted Glass Board

Our boards with clear glass or frosted glass add style everywhere they are installed. Choose our clear glass for a transparent and discreet writing surface without greenish reflections. Opt for frosted glass to get both texture and a distinctive look to your decor. Our frosted or clear glass boards are non-magnetic,  have no trim around the perimeter and have elegant aluminum visible anchors.

They can be installed both horizontally or vertically and can be transformed into a large "wall-to-wall" glass board up to 8 feet high by the width of your choice.


Erasable Writing Surfaces Available

This board is available with magnetic or non-magnetic clear glass or frosted glass. To customize your glass board with colour, your visuals, your logo or others, discover all our other glass board models.



Warranty: 50 years
  • Crystal glass
View the specs for crystal glass

Standard Dimensions Available

  • 3' x 4'
  • 4' x 4'
  • 4' x 5'
  • 4' x 6'
  • 4' x 8'

Other dimensions are available upon request.
Contact us for a quote.

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